
MCAT result 2012

MCAT Result 2012 :

 Sorry back after a long time, Never mind. So UHS announced MCAT 2012 Result and It is a WOW.
MCAT First position on 1082, second on 1077 and third one on 1067. According to some estimates there are round about 100 students getting more than 1000 marks.
Guys as I asked you on our Facebook page. Do you really eat Physics Chemistry Biology. 
Well joke aside I want to congratulate everyone who have got positions or even good marks in MCAT.
The burning question in your mind would be
what priority order you should give. I am giving you order according to reputation of institutes. You should also consider what is good for you?, Where you will be comfortable? So make a decision according to your situation.

Top Medical Institutes of Punjab Pakistan :
  1. King Edward Medical University, Lahore
  2. Al-lama Iqbal Medical College Lahore
  3. SIMS Lahore
  4. Fatima Jinnah Medical College Lahore (for women)
  5. Rawalpindi Medical college
  6. Nishtar Medical College Multan
  7. Quaid-e-Azam Medical College
  8. Punjab Medical College Faisalabad
I think it is enough of list, about others there is not any confusion. Hopefully now I would be updating regularly. So be here often. thanks.
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